Aveika Christmas Brochure 2024
You have worked hard al l year ! Thi s Chr i stmas , let us make your fest ive celebrat i on one to remember . Avei ka i s perfect l y des i gned to accommodate any requi rements . I t i s our f lex ibi l i ty that sets us apar t from the rest ; Whether you are look ing to dine in sty le, dance the ni ght away or maybe host ing a pr ivate par ty or celebrat i ons for smal ler groups , Avei ka i s the perfect venue to see in the fest ivi t ies wi th opt i ons to accommodate al l group s i zes and budgets . Avei ka has the capabi l i ty of exc lus ive hi re of our Mezzanine Bal cony, Cour tyard, Main bar or whole restaurant ! We g ive you the scope to tai lor any fest ive celebrat i on to perfect i on. ‘The Poss ibi l i t ies are endless ’ C E L E B R A T E C H R I S T M A S A T
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